"The Fiction of Relationship"

This course is offered by Arnold Weinstein from Brown University (on Coursera).

I am moving abroad in two weeks time... I am already working on two other courses... That is three courses with two including long books to read... I had to make a choice and I decided to quit "The Fiction of Relationship". I might be able to take it again very soon... Let's see!

Here is what I wrote for the first short exercise we had to do:

Relationships in this world can destroy, but are in general are a way for individuals to survive. Could they be fictive? Relationships do belong to this world. But, who am I and who are you? Despite the ocean feeling one can experience, can we ever truly comprehend each other? Can we ever truly be the other, be one with the other? Literature passes generations and frontiers, interconnecting us in another realm. Whether it has the potential power of destroying us like Goethe’s The Sorrows of the Young Werther (leading many to commit copycat suicide) or whether it fills us with wonder and hope it gives us the opportunity to experience another life, another perspective through multiple layers: our own eyes, the eyes of society, the eyes of the author or its characters.

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